3001 Cameron Blvd.

Durham, NC 27705

(919) 681-2288

Call the Golf Shop

Get Golf Ready at Duke!

Get Golf Ready at the Duke University Golf Club!

How many classes are there, and when are they?

There are five (5) sessions in the Get Golf Ready group instruction program. (Class size is 14 students participating)

Please contact the golf shop or visit this page later for updates on the next available Get Golf Ready.

Tuesday classes – March 25, April 1, 15, 22 and 29

Thursday classes – March 27, April 3, 17, 24 and May 1

COST:       $350 per person (Public)
            $275 per person (Duke Affiliation)

Where is class?

Classes will meet outside the golf shop at the Duke University Golf Club, from there you will follow your instructors to our private teaching area located at the bottom of our driving range.

What time is class?

Each class will run from 5:30PM-7:00PM. 

What will you learn?

Learning how to play golf, or any new sport, can be intimidating. We are here to tell you that it doesn’t have to be that way!

Our goal with the Get Golf Ready program is to introduce golf fundamentals in a FUN and social environment.  We want you to leave class knowing that if you practice these fundamentals you will see improvement toward your goal of becoming a golfer.

Brief overview of our three lessons.

Lesson 1: Introduction, Etiquette and Putting.

Lesson 2: Chipping, Pitching and Bunker play.

Lesson 3: Full Swings – Irons.

Lesson 4: Full Swings – Fairway Woods, Driver, and Getting off the tee.

Lesson 5: Warm Up, On Course Play.

What do you bring?

Bring your own golf clubs if you have them.

If you do not have your own golf clubs please let us know when you sign up. We will supply you with golf clubs to use for the class.

How do I sign up?

Complete the form below – –

Need more information please contact the golf shop at (919) 681-2288 ext. 4 to ask about the next available Get Golf Ready program.
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