3001 Cameron Blvd.

Durham, NC 27705

(919) 681-2288

Call the Golf Shop

GHIN Handicap information

GHIN – Scores posted incorrectly? (please email DUGC Handicap Chairman: KC Hustvedt – – kccheryl@aol.com)


GHIN Handicap Program

The Duke University Golf Club provides a handicap management service to all interested patrons. The GHIN service is the world’s largest handicap computing service and is available 24/7. The service is accessible via Apple or Android devices by downloading the GHIN handicap app or by visiting the GHIN website.

If you are interested in signing up as a Duke Golf Club handicap member, please fill out the below application.

Cost: $70

Checks to be made out to Duke University Golf Club and mailed to:

Duke University Golf Club
3001 Cameron Blvd.
Durham, NC 27705

***Credit card payments may be made by calling the golf shop at 919.681.2288

  • Clear Signature